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Let's start with definitions of what an "argument" is:

an inference, a series of thoughts set forth in a logically coherent form 

one of the three elements of an essay, defined as the unfolding of thought according to a certain scheme; the evidentiary development of some abstract position to the degree of its apparent clarity ("Literary Encyclopedia");

the functional and semantic type of speech, which performs a special communicative task - to give speech an argumentative character (to come by a logical way to a new judgement or to argue the statement made earlier) and formalized with the help of lexico-grammatical means of cause and effect semantics ("Stylistic Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian language").

So, reasoning is thoughts stated according to logic, supported by evidence, connected by a chain of arguments and growing into convincing conclusions.

Reasoning identifies and describes the causes and relationships of some phenomena. It usually begins with a thesis - a statement, the truth of which must be proved with arguments, strong and convincing arguments. The essay can be based both on reasoning-assertions (proving the truth of the thesis put forward) and on reasoning-disputations (proving the falsity of the main point put forward). The writer is given the opportunity to use not only direct facts, but sometimes evidence to the contrary. In constructing evidence, the paper writing websites  may rely on personal experience, newspaper and magazine publications, films, examples from life and literature.

Before you start working on the essay, you need to clearly articulate the idea that you need to prove. Then, on the basis of the statement that requires argumentation, make a plan for the future creative work.

Scheme of the essay-explanation

1. Introduction.


Arguments: arguments, evidence, explanations, justifications, examples, grabmyessay , cases, facts, figures, opinions of authorities, statements, quotes, etc. 

4. Conclusion.

The introduction in an essay-expression is a small introduction to the topic. It may be formulated as a question or contain a quotation. The thesis statement is the starting point for your argumentation, and the argumentation makes up the bulk of the essay--at least two-thirds of the text. It is believed that the optimal number of arguments for an argumentative essay is three.

The role of arguments may be:

Opinions of authoritative people... 

The conclusion concludes your essay. It must be convincing because it is an inference, a conclusion, a consequence of your reasoning. It almost duplicates the thesis, but takes it to a new (deeper) level through generalizations and perhaps predictions. The conclusion can be formulated using the following words and expressions: so, summarizing what has been said, thus, based on our reasoning, therefore...

An essay-explanation will become more convincing under the following conditions:

The form of the conclusion (in particular, the proof) is correct if it does not violate any rule of logic.